Holding on with both hands
Miss M just sent me a text message from school (in between classes so it was OK!)
This is the same Miss M who cannot tolerate any artificial food additives, is anti GM foods and for the first time in her 12 years of life is trying to educate herself about organic nutrition, affects of chemicals in daily life, ethical issues and learning about the whole “climate change thingy” as she puts it…….
This Miss M has also started high school this year & is going to a school where the teachers actually want to teach… most of the students want to learn… and the subjects are new & interesting.
Anyway… Miss M just had Science.. which is quickly becoming her fave subject…
The Science teacher is also her home room teacher……..
And the Science teacher just announced that he was heavily involved in GM research in his last job…. and that GM is the new way and a bright hope for the future.
Miss M is not impressed…
She does take after me in that she is a stubborn little thing…… but she also takes after her father & speaks first- thinks second.
Something tells me that this could get rather interesting……..
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