Foods for Smarter Brain
When we plan our diet charts, we generally focus on the nutrients required for the well-being of our body. But have you ever though of a diet that can enhance your memory by increasing your brain power? Your brain is actually influenced by your food intake. So if you desire a smarter brain, you need to eat the right stuff.
Iron and Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Iron ensures adequate flow of oxygen throughout your body. Thus, your brain needs iron rich foods to get the oxygen power that is essential for its proper working. Get enough iron power from greens like spinach, kale, romaine and broccoli while consuming more lentils, tofu and meat.
Now, omega 3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining our nervous system’s health. Fish, eggs, wild salmon and cereals are some of the best sources of these acids that keep you alert and help fight depression.
Carbohydrates and Fiber
Want more energy for your brain? The simple solution lies in eating the foods rich in carbohydrates. Beans, whole wheat products, honey, rice and sweet potatoes can fulfill your carb requirements. Fiber, on the other hand is again an essential brain-food. You can get enough of it through whole grains, oatmeal, blueberries and nuts.
Proteins and
Begin your day with some protein rich foods like eggs, seeds and nuts to boost your mind. Your brain loves antioxidants. So eat more dark colored veggies and fruits to keep it happy. Pomegranates, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, garlic and dark chocolates are all loaded with antioxidants.
Yeah, you have read it correctly. Coffee and tea can stimulate your mood and improve your concentration levels. But you need to consume it in moderation. Moreover, it is essential to prefer organic tea and coffee. Get the daily energy boost with half a cup of coffee.
Take Care to Avoid
It is important to stay away from the some food items that can drain all the power from your brain.
Alcohol is the worst thing that works against your mind. It not only damages your active brain cells but also reduces your energy levels. Excess sugar can also adversely affect the brain. So don’t get tempted by the sight of a cake or pudding but try eating a bite or two of all the sugary stuff that comes your way. Smoking, with all its bad effects is also too bad for your wits. Nicotine restricts the adequate supply of blood and thus your head goes dull.
By khushboo
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