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Food toxins and weight gain

30 September 2009 3,287 views No Comment
by Christian Goodman

A friend of mine would always make the statement I eat like a bird, yet I still gain weight! I can affirm to the fact that she was inclined to eat very little when we would go out for a meal but Ill admit that I assumed she went home and ate all the food in her refrigerator later.

Of course later when she was diagnosed with a pituitary disorder, I no longer assumed she wasnt being honest.

When my friend asked her doctor what could have caused this, she was told that in cases like hers, it is thought that a build up of toxins did the damage over time and this in turn, led to her weight gain.

Of course, a person does not have to be afflicted with a pituitary disorder to experience weight gain due to food toxins. Does it seem contradictory that we are living in an age of low fat, no fat, and low carb yet over a third of our population is overweight?

It is a known fact that chickens are fed a chemical hormone to cause them to gain weight without eating as much as they would naturally. What do we think happens to this chemical when the chicken is packaged and sold as meat?

Chemicals used as food preservatives are intended to save the consumer money, but they also lead to a build up in the body.

The liver, which filters the toxins out of the body before they can do damage to other organs, becomes overloaded. Fat then accumulates in order to guard the body from harm by these toxins.

Its not just toxin laden food that causes toxins to build up in our bodies. Pesticides, make up and other beauty products are also oftentimes full of toxins.

Add to that what we do to ourselves ” smoking and drinking alcohol to excess promote even further toxic buildup in our bodies.

For my friend, just knowing that there was a reason for her weight gain helped her. She started looking for organic foods when she shopped.

While its true that her meats and vegetables didnt stay fresh as long as the processed foods she was used to but it was a small sacrifice for a bigger reward.

She also tried my Weight Loss Breeze program and loved the results! She, like so many of my clients, found the all natural program to be easy to start and even easier to maintain. If weight loss is your goal, I suggest you to try it as well!


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