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Food Intolerance

28 April 2009 6,810 views No Comment

Harsh reactions to food and food additives is cause for food
intolerance. When the body’s immune system or defense system
is directly involved this causes immediate reactions and
severe food allergies.
There are many doctors who choose to make use of the phrase
food intolerance just for undesirable reactions to food
where the human body’s immune mechanism is not involved.
Generally allergy tests are recommended to see whether an
individual is suffering from this. Fatique also sets in when
people suffer from food intolerance.

There are many different kinds of non-immune responses to
food items. One of the most evident cases is plain toxicity.
You know that there are various contaminants present in our
environment. Contaminants are things which get into your
food at the time of growing or harvesting or processing or
wrapping or while storing.

These are at times unsafe. In certain cases such
contaminants may make your food toxic and any person who
eats them will experience health hazards. Now there are
another set of people who do not have the enzymes required
to digest certain foods. Their problems are less obvious
compared to the other risks.

Lactose intolerance is a familiar instance. There are those
people whose bodies cannot digest milk because they lack the
enzyme called lactose, which is needed to absorb the sugar
lactose in milk. Most of us have levels high in this enzyme
so we can tolerate milk and not have unpleasant side

An alternative type of food intolerance comes from a
negative reaction to chemicals found in food. These
substances may be of natural or artificial origin. The
symptoms are often the same as common food allergies, so
physicians must be particularly careful when diagnosing an
individual showing some or all of these troubles.

There are ranges of effects which come below the food
additives group. They include stuff like preservatives,
flavoring agents, coloring agents etc. some recognizable
examples comprise terrain MSG or monosodium glutamate,
sculpture dioxide in addition to benzoates. When chemical
reactions are involved with admiration to foodstuff or
foodstuff additives, they are not actually affected by
reactions since here the body’s resistant system is not

As not all reactions can be covered by the term food
allergy, doctors use the term food intolerance or fatique to
describe those unfavorable reactions that don’t involve the
immune response system.

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The terms food intolerance and food allergies are often
confused. Food allergies occur when the body has strong,
immediate reactions to a food. The immune system is directly
involved with a food allergy. With a food intolerance,
though, the body has an unpleasant reaction to the food or

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