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Food additives may be the treatment of high cholesterol

18 April 2009 2,899 views No Comment

A mother in the United States is going to incredible lengths to help her five year old twins who have Niemann-Pick disease.

The rare genetic disorder affects only 500 people worldwide.

Chris Hempel’s doctor told her that nothing could be done for her twins Addi and Cassie.

They have developmental problems because of it and the disease will eventually rob them of any brain activity.

But she did some research and found a food additive called Cyclodextrin that can help remove cholesterol from the body.

The additive can be found in sports drinks, gum and even Febreeze.

Hempel had to get special permission from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to use Cyclodextrin as a treatment for her daughters.

She says if it is successful, it could be the key for anyone suffering from high cholesterol.

“If you talk about it with this particular gene that is involved in cholesterol you know millions of people who have cholesterol related disorders, it’s like we have to get too yes,” said Hempel.

The girls have started the treatment and will be monitored closely to see if it is working.

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