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Food additives and their health effects

30 April 2009 3,305 views No Comment

Our modern food industry is luring us with millions of tasty foods but most often than not these are full of food additives. Food additives have an impact on your health ant you should take it into consideration before it is too late.

Food additives are chemical substances added in foods and beverages with the purpose of enhancing their qualities: taste, color, expiration date. All their names start with an E followed by three numbers and you can find the list of them on the packaging of the foods you eat.

Food additives have received a standard code that is used all over the world, being codified as E’s to hide to the average consumer the real contents of the foods they are eating. Under the motivation of not using a naming dependent on the multitude of languages they created this code that you can read on every food package you come into contact with. The true reason was not to scare the consumer, meaning you, and to determine him buy nicely packaged foods that are full of bad chemicals for their health.

The introduction of all this food additives was not demanded by the consumers but maybe they are responsible. In the battle for lower prices corners had to be cut by the food producers so that they could gain the upper hand on the marketplace. And the bad thing was that the consumer didn’t say nothing until it was too late. To date the food additive industry is worth over 20 billion dollars every year and its value is on the rise.

Food additives are separated in 24 categories but these are the most important:

-sweeteners that replace sugar;
-colorants used to give foods a more appealing color;
-acids used to make the taste sharper;
-acidity regulators that increase or diminish acidity;
-emulsifiers and stabilizers used to achieve a more homogenous mix between water and fats;
-preservatives used to prevent the spoilage of food;
-flavor enhancers that are used to make foods more tasty;
-tracer gases that protect the foods form the atmospheric conditions and increase shelf life;
-antioxidants that limit the oxidation of foods sensitive to contact with air.
In the thousands of years of human existence the human body has trained itself to recognize and metabolize all that is natural food. That Is why the impact of food additives on your body is so huge. Your body does not recognize the food additives and it tries to get rid of them.

Food additives are nothing else but extremely toxic chemical substances, even cancerous. According to the rapports of the international organizations, at a global level, the mortality rate generated by the consumption of foods enriched with food additives is placed on the 4’th place, after drug and pill consumption and car accidents.

Long term consumption of foods filled with food additives create in the body of human beings a constant bombardment of their internal organs, leading to the destruction of the immunity system, and a series of tumors that can be cancerous or not.

All over the globe there is an increase in cancer affected persons and it is believed that cancer will become the disease of the third millennium. And the really bad news is that there is no sign of a cure on the horizon yet. The causes of cancer seen to be pollution, food additives and stress.

It is good to be aware of the risk we run every time we buy a food product without analyzing it’s contents and how it has been made. Always read the label on the package and if you have the choice pick the one with less food additives listed on it. I wish you luck.

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