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Fermentation process of wine

1 April 2009 1,003 views No Comment

In a small number of situations you may find it’s best to stop the fermentation operation prior to comes to a stopping by itself. The most popular purpose for desiring to halt the fermentation process is that you have concluded that the wine already has the proper measure of sweetness that you prefer and you have no desire for it to go any more.

By stopping the fermentation then, many wine makers believe that they can preserve the measure of sweetness that the wine has already produced and if you need a extremely sweet wine, such as a dessert wine, then this is certainly acceptable. The concept with stopping the fermentation process is that if you allowed the wine continue fermenting it’d lose less sweetness in time. As the wine becomes completely dry, the fermentation process eventually halt by itself without any intervention from yourself.

So consequently, there are many assorted methods that home winemakers apply when making an effort to halt the fermentation process in order to preserve the sweetness but none of these methods don’t work especially well, however.

One of those methods is using either Campden Tablets or Sodium Bisulfite but you should need to understand that fermentation won’t completely stop just by using these techniques. You ought to additionally be mindful that the possibility is there for some live yeast to be left in the wine, giving the chance for the fermentation procedure to commence anew. Actually, it’s not unknown for the process to commence all over even after you have bottled your wine and stashed it away, but obviously, that would not be a desirable situation and could result in some terribly bad-tasting wine.

An additional popular choice utilized by certain wine makers is Potassium Sorbate which is commonly employed for the purpose of sweetening wine. When it is used for this reason it’s commonly after the fermentation process has been finished and you are ready to bottle your wine. The Potassium Sorbate is then added along with sugar and in this circumstance, it is to prevent the yeast from fermenting sugar that has just been added. When added before the finale of the Wine Making fermentation process, however, Potassium Sorbate will not destroy the yeast, rather it only makes it infertile. This means that it will not reproduce however it does not end the fermentation.

If your purpose is to keep the volume of sweetness that’s already within the wine, the most efficient way of do so is to in fact do absolutely nothing and let the process to continue by itself until it is completely completed. After the yeast has had an chance to settle through a period of several weeks, you’ll then have the ability to drain the wine off and then include a bit of Potassium Sorbate with sugar.

Bear in mind that it is very important to allow the fermentation process to finish before you add anything such as Potassium Sorbate or additional sugar. If you’re not sure if the fermentation process has completed, you are able to determine it using a hydrometer. Remember that this is the tool that you utilize to check the alcohol content of the wine thus if the procedure has finished, there should be a reading of no greater than one on the gravimeter.

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