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FBD: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India plans new regulations on the procurement of raw materials

7 September 2009 1,872 views No Comment

September 7, 2009 – Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), the Government of India sponsored processed food regulatory organization, will soon to introduce a new regulation for procurement of raw materials for the food processing units in the country. This regualation shall also be imposed on imported food.
According to FSSAI official sources, in order to ensure safe food in the country the government will soon to introduce new regulations for the process food industry in the country under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.
Under this new regulation, no raw material or ingredient thereof shall be accepted by an establishment if it is known to contain parasites, undesirable micro-organisms, pesticides, veterinary drugs or toxic items, decomposed or extraneous substances, which would not be reduced to an acceptable level by normal sorting and/or processing.
In addition the raw materials, food additives and ingredients, wherever applicable, shall conform to the rules and regulations laid down under the Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006.
Records of raw materials, food additives and ingredients as well as their source of procurement shall be maintained.
Food storage facilities shall be designed and constructed to enable food to be effectively protected from contamination during storage, permit adequate maintenance and cleaning, un avoid pest access and accumulation.
Segregation shall be provided for the storage of rejected, recalled or returned materials or products. Such areas, materials or products shall be suitable if marked and secured. Raw materials and food shall be stored in separate area from printed packaging materials, stationary, hardware and cleaning chemicals.
Raw food, particularly meat, poultry and seafood products shall be stored separately from the area of work-in-progress, processed, cooked and packaged products. The conditions of storage in terms of temperature and humidity requisite for enhancing the shelf life of the respective food materials or products shall be maintained.
Storage of raw materials, Ingredients, work-in-progress and processed or cooked or packaged food products shall be subject to FIFO(First in, First Out) stock rotation system.
Containers made of non-toxic materials shall be provided for storage of raw materials, work-in-progress and finished or ready to serve products. The food materials shall be stored on racks and pallets such that they are reasonably well above the floor and away from the wall so as to facilitate effective cleaning and prevent harboring of any pests or rodents.

By Sabyasachi Samajdar, FoodBizDaily.com

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