Detox diet tips
Looking for detox diet advice? What exactly does it mean to detoxify the body? In basic terms, this is the body’s way of getting rid of its toxic waste. Toxins have the potential to harm the body’s tissue, so it is important that it does not remain inside. As this waste works its way through our digestive tract, it changes into compounds that are excreted through our stools
and urine.
Toxins can come from a variety of sources, including our diets, and normal body functions such as the production of ammonia during the breakdown of protein, and chemicals including pesticides, household cleaners, food additives, drugs, pollutants, cigarette smoke, and metals like lead that can be ingested into the body when inhaled.
There are diets that can detoxify the body- detox is not used only for dependence of drugs and alcohol. The diet should be short-term, and minimize the level of chemicals entering the body. Organic foods are useful in detox diets because they contain natural ingredients. Other foods are fiber-rich, and water also is important to this type of regimen. Fiber and water also increase bowel movements and urination, cleaning out the body.
Benefits of a detox diet can include improved energy levels, clearer skin, regular bowel movements, better digestion and concentration and focus. Those considering a detox diet should consult a physician before starting the process. There are people who should not do it. Those with anemia, eating disorders, kidney, thyroid or autoimmune problems, as well as cancer or other terminal illness should steer clear of detox diets.
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