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Cheat with a lazy diet or exercise daily

20 February 2009 1,372 views No Comment

We’ve all heard it before: the promise that you’ll lose 10 pounds in a week if you purchase this tiny little pill.

Diets, pills, and herbs, or any combination thereof, are taking the world by storm, no matter where you look.

But you should not be so naive to these promises; more than likely in fine print somewhere you’ll see the phrase, “Results not typical.”

With Spring Break quickly approaching and our on-and-off nice January weather, the thought of bikinis and minimal clothing are overwhelming. Maybe that New

Year’s diet did not pan out as well as planned. But do not fear, with a little over a month to go, there’s still time to shed those pounds.

One well-known plan of action is Jenny Craig. Every year Jenny has a new spokesperson, ranging from Queen Latifah to Kirstie Alley, raving about the results and how wonderful they are. The Jenny Craig program consists of three key guidelines to losing weight: keeping a healthy relationship with food, maintaining an active lifestyle, and creating a balanced approach to living.

The Jenny Craig program allows you to eat fruit, vegetables, and low-fat dairy along with the frozen food you purchase from them. Meetings with a consultant happen on a weekly basis. For the first three weeks they teach you how to conquer the three critical guidelines effectively.

If changing your lifestyle is not the route you would like to take, there are always diet pills to achieve a more toned figure. A new hot diet pill is called Alli.

This new pill, endorsed by the Food and Drug Administration, is targeted to reduce the ever-growing problem of obesity. This is the only diet pill available over the counter, meaning a prescription is not needed. You take the pill before meals and Alli works in the digestive system.

After you eat, your body has enzymes that store vitamins, fat, and other nutrients. Alli reduces those enzymes that store fat from digested food by 30 percent.

Another way of dropping pounds is through detox. A mixture of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and organic maple syrup is drunk only for as many days as you like. This is a quick way to drop pounds.

The Master Cleanse, better known as the Lemonade diet, is a detox not intended for weight loss but to cleanse your body of toxins. The recommended maximum number of days to fast is 10. The Master Cleanse is healthy to do about every six months in order to clean all the fast food, waste, and preservatives from food out of your body.

Although the Master Cleanse is not created to lose weight, it has gained popularity for the rapid weight loss. Stars such as Beyonce Knowles have done the Cleanse in order to shed some pounds quickly.

So as Spring Break approaches and summer is around the corner, do not let weight issues stress you out. From changing your eating habits to fasting, there are many ways to combat weight gain easily.

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