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Brazil Botanicals Compares Real Acai Juice vs. Reconstituted Acai Juice

17 December 2009 3,848 views No Comment

     Dr. Tim’s Brazilian Acai is made with 100% Acai puree that is rich in deep purple color and anthocyanins, the green healthy oils rich in omega 6 & 9 and all of the fiber and the other elements that you can only get with real Acai puree. In addition to that Dr. Tim’s Brazilian Acai offers a “Best Taste Guarantee” that you can only get with Dr. Tim’s juices. “We don’t make just any juice, we make juices that change peoples’ lives” says Dr. Tim. The folks at Dr. Tim’s Juices work hard to set a standard in quality, taste and value outperforming the competition who sells juices containing inferior and reconstituted ingredients.

If reconstituted Acai in the list of ingredients consumers are not getting the puree or juice. Reconstituted Acai means that it is made from spray dried Acai powder mixed with water. The truth of the mater is that the #1 element in such a product is in fact water. What compounds the issue is that spray dried Acai powder is virtually stripped of its nutrients and contains none of the oils and very little of the antioxidants and anthocyanins found occurring naturally in the acai juice. Spray dried Acai powder is subjected to extreme temperatures in order to take the liquid form into a dry powder. These powders are then mixed with maltodextrin and or silica. The reason that manufacturers use this form of Acai is because it is cheap: cheap in price and quality. So if consumers are buying this cheaper form of Acai they are also buying added sugar or carbs in the form of the maltodextrin and or sand in the form of silica. There are some companies even mixing tapioca with their dry Acai powder. This is the very cheapest way of producing an Acai product and provides very little benefit. Additionally Potassium Sorbate is an artificial preservative regardless of how one characterizes it on a label. Manufacturers who claim to have no artificial additives yet put this preservative in their products are not telling the truth.

Acai juice continues to gain in popularity, but consumers should be sure they are getting the real thing by reading the labels and not getting fooled. The final test is taste. The Acai juice from Dr. Tim tastes like real Acai. No other company has captured the true taste of Acai as Dr. Tim’s Brazilian Acai has. It tastes just like the fresh Acai that you find in the city of Belem, Brazil the heart of all Acai production.

contact information
Tim Hollingshead
Email BrazilBotanicals.com

source from :www.prleap.com

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