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Alternative food additives

6 August 2009 1,467 views No Comment

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Aug. 6 (UPI) — Food additives used to enhance product shelf life or add color are worth watching out for — especially if a child has allergies — a U.S. food advocate says.

“Studies are starting to show that some of these additives can be harmful — even increasing cancer risk — so as parents and consumers we really need to understand what is in the foods we choose,” Gloria Tsang of HealthCastle.com says in a statement.

Her list of “worst additive offenders” followed by her additive-free replacement suggestions include:

— Cured meats with sodium nitrite, a preservative linked to the formation of carcinogenic compounds. Alternative: Dinner leftovers.

— “Diet” yogurt where natural sugars are replaced with artificial sweeteners. Alternative: Natural or organic yogurt with short ingredient lists.

— Snacks prolonging shelf life with preservatives BHA and BHT. Alternative: Popcorn but not the microwave kind.

— Soft drinks with artificial sweeteners and coal tar dyes. Alternative: Water, 100 percent juice, or milk.

— Baked goods with artificial sweeteners or trans fats. Alternative: Baking bigger batches at home and freezing the extras to put in lunches.

                                                                                                                  By:United Press International

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