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34 countries ban Chinese moon cakes delivery concerns immigration

17 September 2009 2,743 views No Comment

16, Ta Kung Pao, according to Xinhua News Agency reporter learned from the Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau was informed that so far, 34 countries prohibit the entry from the Chinese moon cakes, delivery concerns and some other countries of the delivery concerns cakes increasingly stringent entry requirements.


 34 countries ban Chinese moon cakes


 Prohibition of entry into moon cakes from China delivery concerns 34 countries are: India, Indonesia, Germany, Denmark, France, Brazil, Qatar, Hungary, Spain, Belgium, Russia, Congo, Saudi Arabia, Uruguay, Czech Republic, the Philippines, Estonia, Singapore, Switzerland , Myanmar, Mexico, South Korea, Thailand, Sweden, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Burundi, Gabon, Ethiopia, Sudan, Libya.

In some countries demanding inspection


 A number of other countries the implementation of the “conditional delivery concerns moon immigration from China” policy, but this year the inspection of moon cakes on the acceptance of China continued to increase efforts to provide more and more “harsh.”


 For example, the United States provides that: with a small amount of meat, poultry or egg product ingredients must be tested in the United States accredited institutions or foreign regulatory agencies under the supervision of food production. The recipient to provide a health certificate and are subject to sanitary inspection and the fillings can not have egg yolks and meat ingredients.


 The moon cakes sent to Australia, international mail will have to through the quarantine officer, X-ray and comprehensive inspection and quarantine dogs. Australia also provides: To indicate as holiday gifts, and the fillings can not have egg yolks, meat, dried fruit, grapefruit, star fruit, taro and so on.

United Kingdom provides delivery concerns moon cakes require local health inspection and quarantine agencies to require delivery concerns moon cakes are required to provide relevant documents, to pay about £ 60 per check fee.


 EU mooncakes containing dried fruit category of Aflatoxin B1 standards require much higher than Chinese standards.


 Japan requires: 10 kg of moon cakes, to specify the composition and the effective date; 10 kg or more moon cakes, the recipient must provide a certificate of animal and plant quarantine, as well as certificate of origin. In addition, Japan sweeteners, bleaching agents, preservatives, also set a higher standard.

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